Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

In your discussion post, describe each of these common ethical dilemmas in detail. In addition, describe the ethical issues that might arise in a study for the research topic you developed during this course. Keep in mind that all research involving human

ethical dilemmas

Q In your discussion post, describe each of these common ethical dilemmas in detail. In addition, describe the ethical issues that might arise in a study for the research topic you developed during this course. Keep in mind that all research involving human subjects includes ethical considerations, unless the researcher uses only secondary sources.

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While working on qualitative research, a researcher has to combat with various ethical issues in the context of research. The most common ethical issues which a researcher faces in case of qualitative research broadly includes conflict of interest, researching on vulnerable population, and sometimes self also contributes as prominent ethical dilemmas with which the researcher has to continuously combat. According to Ngozwana (2018), the conflict of interest within the research process refers to the tussle between one’s private interest and professional responsibilities. The researcher has to be capable enough to not to make any compromise in case of making professional judgment in conducting and finally reporting research consequences.